Geekus Canadensis

While the term "cryptozoology" dates back to the 1960s, "cryptid" is a product of the 80s, coined by a praire man no less:
“Cryptid” is a relatively new word used among professionals and laypeople to denote an animal of interest to cryptozoology. John E. Wall of Manitoba coined it in a letter published in the summer 1983 issue of the ISC Newsletter (vol. 2, no. 2, p. 10), published by the International Society of Cryptozoology.
I bring this up because master thespian and uber-geek Carlos Diaz pointed me to the website for an awesome-looking new graphic novel and all-around money-making property called Cryptid, brought to you by Peter Jackson's Weta and such artists as Mike Mignola and Frank Frazetta.
Update on the mysterious Ass-Cock: since I wrote the post about this local cryptid, the signs have all been replaced, and now they read "dock". I smell cover-up.
Yay! More drawrings!
I think you should create an animation of him doing a workout video. It could be called: Squatch Your Way to Monster Thighs.
All together now: SQUATCH!
Everybody's doin the monster squatch!
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