Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It's all gotta mean something, right?

Back when I was doing my film degree at Queen's, there were these two friends, Elan Mastai and Jason Lapeyre. Best buds, film fanatics, cool pupils of all things pop culture. After school they split up. Elan eventually ended up in Toronto while Jason settled in the Chicago of the North -- yes, Winnipeg.

Elan has a strange way of popping up in my life. I'll be working on my tow truck feature film script with my producer Tyler -- and it turns out Elan's girlfriend is Tyler's colleague in a Film Centre programme; I'll be getting onto the ice at Nathan Phillips Square with Ayako -- and Elan and his girlfriend are just coming off; I'll be returning to the hotel from an afternoon tour of Lake Winnipeg (during my first, week long, visit to the Peg) -- and Elan is checking in to the same hotel because he's come to Winnipeg for a script meeting with a local producer -- the same producer who's working on Falcon Beach. So, you know, it's weird.

Now here I am for the summer and I get to thinking, who the hell do I know in town who's in the position to point me toward a bar/restaurant that isn't Earl's (for you Eastern-Standard-Time-Zoners, Earl's is a sports bar/restaurant chain that's popular in the west; it boasts tasty food, bellinis, and hot waitresses in tight outfits -- basically an upscale Hooter's)? Now I haven't seen or spoken to Jason in, oh, 6 years, but I find his website and contact the guy. Turns out he's in Toronto looking for an apartment and taking meetings. He's moving to the Big Smoke in 3 weeks to pursue his career as a writer. We make plans to get together (not at Earl's) upon his return to the Peg later this week.

Earlier this eve: After my workout at the gym in the building (I have a cell phone, a company car, and I belong to a gym -- what the hell's happened to my life?) I'm chatting with one of the trainers, Brian, comparing his job working at the gym with my job working on Falcon Beach --

Brian: Must be hard making a living as a writer.

Me: Yeah. It's nice to be working.

Brian: A good buddy of mine is trying to make a go of it. He's in Toronto right now looking for a place and taking meetings.


Me: Jason Lapeyre?


Brian: Are you shitting me?

All of which is to say A) The world is small, and B) Winnipeg is smaller.


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